Chinese Almanac

Published 15 Jun 2023 | Joe Ong 阿祖

Picture extracted from DI MU JING in YONG JING TANG Almanac 图片是从永经堂通胜提取

We are in the middle of summer and expects the weather to be hot and dry in Singapore. This year especially because of the El NINO event, the rainfall was also expected to be lower than average. However, this was not the case as we experienced quite bit of wet weather recently. Looking back at what was forecasted in the DI MU JING (Mother Earth Classic), it was quite accurate for the first half of 2023 as it expected to have heavy rainfall during Spring and Summer. We did have plentiful of rainfall between February to June even though the weather was hot. Let see if the forecast continue to be accurate for Autumn and Winter as it expects to have shortage of rainfall in the second half of the year.

The TONG SHENG is a very informative Chinese text that has a lot information on Chinese Metaphysics that range from Destiny Reading, Divination, Date Selection, FENG SHUI to current year calendars etc. It is also at a relative affordable price and the version for next year is usually available from November onwards in the current year. If you are keen in Chinese Metaphysics, it is a classic not to be missed.

我们正处于夏天,预计新加坡的天气将炎热干燥。 今年,特别是由于厄尔尼诺现象,预计降雨量也将低于平均水平。 然而,情况并非如此,因为我们最近经历了相当潮湿的天气。 回顾《地母经》的预测,2023年上半年是准确的,预计春夏两季会多雨。 尽管天气炎热,但我们在二月至六月期间确实有充足的降雨。 让我们看看秋季和冬季的预测是否仍然准确,因为预计下半年降雨量将不足。

《通圣》是一本内容丰富的中文书籍,包含很多与中华易学相关的信息,从命理,占卜,择日,风水到本年日历等。它的价格也相对实惠,明年的版本年通常从当年的十一月开始提供。 如果你热衷中华易学,这是一本不容错过的经典。