
Published 07 Mar 2023 | Joe Ong 阿祖

BA ZI and Heaven Energy in the Cosmic Trinity

BA ZI is a Destiny Analysis method that uses the YIN YANG theory, Five Elements theory, HSIA Calendar System and Birth Data to analyse an individual’s destiny. Destiny refers to the Heaven Energy in the Cosmic Trinity or an individual’s Innate Energy (Potential).

BA ZI Structure and HSIA Calendar System

A BA ZI Chart is created from an individual’s Birth Year, Month, Date and Hour (Birth Data) using the HSIA Calendar System which dates back a few thousand years to the SHANG dynasty. The calendar system uses Ten Heaven Stems and Twelve Earth Branches to represent Year, Month, Day and Hour. Each denomination is a pillar in the BA ZI chart represented by a character from Ten Heaven Stems on the top of the pillar and a character from Twelve Earth Branches at the bottom. This is why the method is known as BA ZI in Chinese because of the Eight Characters in the chart or otherwise known as SI ZHU or the FOUR PILLARS OF DESTINY because of the four pillars.

Ten Heaven Stems and Twelve Earth Branches

The Ten Heaven Stems and Twelve Earth Branches also represents the celestial and terrestrial energy. Each of the Ten Heaven Stems (JIA, YI, BING, DING, WU, JI, GENG, XIN, REN, GUI) and Twelve Earth Branches (ZI, CHOU, YIN, MAO, CHEN, SI, WU, WEI, SHEN, YOU, XU, HAI) is either YIN or YANG and also belongs to one of the Five Elements (Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth). The Ten Heaven Stems and Twelve Earth Branches each represents an aspect (Intellect, Strength, Productivity, Wants, Responsibility etc) in an individual’s BA ZI Chart. The Elements’s quantity correspond to capacity and quality to strength like an energy map in destiny analysis.

Dynamics of YIN YANG and Five Elements

The Five Elements do not remain static in a BA ZI Chart. They interact with each other within the chart and also with the Elements brought by each year, month, day, hour and the individual’s Luck Cycle. Below are the main interactions between the elements. The Elements quantity changes and quality fluctuates when they interact with each other. These changes and fluctuation are used to forecast the peak and low season of each aspect in an individual’s destiny or their optimal time in a person’s life time.




八字图表(八字表)是使用夏历系统根据个人的出生年,月,日和小时(出生数据)创建的,该系统可以追溯到几千年前的商朝。 日历系统使用十天干和十二地支来代表年,月,日和时。每个分母都是八字表中的一根柱子,柱子上方是用一个天干代表,下面是由一个地支代表。 这就是为什么该方法因表中的八个字而在中文被称为 八字或因四根干支柱而被称为四柱的原因。


十天干和十二地支也代表天地能量。每一个十天干(甲,乙,丙,丁,戊,己,庚,辛,壬,癸)和十二地支(子,丑,寅,卯,辰,巳,午,未,申, 酉,戌,亥)都是阴或阳,也属于五行(金、木、水、火、土)之一。 十天干和十二地支在八字里分别代表个人的一个方面 (能力,智力,生产力,欲望,责任等)。 在命运分析中,五行的数量对应于能力,质量对应于力量类似能源地图。


五行在八字中不会保持静止。 它们会相互影响,也与每年、每月、每天、每小时和个人的大运周期所带来的五行相互作用。以下是主要五行之间的交互。当五行相互作用时,五行会发生数量变化和质量波动。 这些变化和波动可用来预测个人命运中各个方面的旺季和淡季或最佳时间。


Interactions between the FIVE Elements

1) The Cycle of Generation

2) The Cycle of Destruction

3) Five Heaven Stem Combinations

4) Season Earth Branch Combinations

5) Three Earth Branch Combinations

6) Half Earth Branch Combinations

7) Six Earth Branch Combinations

8) Three Persecution Clashes

9) Self-Persecution Clashes

10) Six Clashes


1) 相生循环

2) 相克循环

3) 天干合化

4) 地支三会





